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Roadside Assistance

Kia Assist - it's good to know you're
not alone on the road

Kia Assist is our motoring assistance service for Kia owners, provided by AA Ireland. It’s free for 3 years with every newly registered passenger vehicle and it covers you at home and across the UK and Europe.

Kia Assist benefits include:

  • Roadside Rescue
  • At Home Rescue
  • Additional Car Hire
  • Recovery
  • European Rescue

Roadside Assistance in the Republic of Ireland

Should you require assistance following immobilisation as a result of a breakdown or roadside accident in the Republic of Ireland, contact Kia Assist on:

0818 300 007

Roadside Assistance in Europe & UK

When you are calling from a location which is not in the Republic of Ireland you should use the local international access code:

+ 353-1-649 7493

* Please refer to your Kia Roadside Assistance handbook for full details.